Thursday, September 18, 2008


This is becoming a monthly party! Homeless folks and homefull folks are coming together to have a great time! Way to go crew! You guys really do make this fun, and the vision is coming true- we have a group of people (some whO have homes and some who don't) are becoMing friends. Here are some highlights:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GREG! Guess what Greg Sullivan did? He had a day off for his birthday, so where did he go? PADS! Even after he did the dinner shift - he shows up for the breakfast one too. Book your next birthday party quickly! HOT DOGS, GET YOUR RED HOTS Dinner was great. Thanks to you guys who brought buns (JR), corn (JE), fries (RH), and ice cream (CI). I do not want to give you their names, but you can try to figure out my coded system. We had a great talk with MY, SN always gets our best-dressed award, TS made it there without running over anyone, SE actually got my daughters to do some work, JE's daughters cracked me up, JL has now been donned "Queen of the Fries.", and RH actually showed up and came back - HE'S BACK! and MY spends more time at the shelters than most of the homeless folks. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! The PL and JI show was back again. It comes with pizza, Coca-Cola and some crazy laundry story. If you ever need something to do - show up at PADS from 8-12 on the Third Tuesday - I'll guarantee fun! Also, props are way overdue for BL! This dude shows up at midnight every month, makes the greatest lunches ever, and then (without sleep) carries 60 sheets of drywall by himself, while "Wiggling It". BREAKFAST PARTY!!! CS couldn't sleep, so he stopped in at PADS, SH came back - the prodigal sister, JE is there every time - it was really just a cool place to hang. Of course, the pancakes were great again, DE and GN could put IHOP to shame. BD loves the sausage! He's all over - comes in early, stays until it's over and is moving the whole time he's there. And with JY and KN picking up stuff, we had that place cleaned up in new record time. And let's not forget, none of this is possible without GN bringing the juice with SN, BE supplying pancakes, BD bringing sausage, GG bringing milk with RH, and MY with the griddle. Finally, lets' give some thanks to DA and JI for chips and drinks for lunch.
THERE YOU HAVE IT - ANOTHER GREAT MONTH AT PADS! Please feel free to click on POST COMMENTS and say what you'd like to say.