Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I forgot what it is like in the REAL WORLD. I hang out mostly in church stuff and at a job where most people are nice (contrary to what most of you probably thought about your elementary teachers). So, I get a little jaded about what people are like. In my crazy world, I thought people loved to do things for others. I thought everybody worked to help out the needs of the poor. I thought everyone sacrificed their own time, talents and treasures for the good of others.
But then I went to a Shamrox game (professional lacrosse). I was running a booth for our local PADS homeless shelter. People would come by and make goofy little comments or even worse, when they found out what we were doing they would just walk by. Nobody cared!
It was a great reminder for me. All those who do stuff "for the least of these", all those who "lay down their life", all those who "love their neighbors as themselves" - THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING! If you are one of those people, realize this: YOU ARE SO VALUABLE! THE WORLD NEEDS TO SEE YOUR LIGHT!
Please stand up for others and combat the narcism that is apparent in this world. You are special and you are making a difference! Keep going!