Tuesday, February 5, 2008


"Give what you have to anyone who asks you for it;" - Luke 6:30
Jesus is really into this giving thing. More and more I think one of the most crucial aspects of being a "Little Christ" in Lombard involves having a heart that loves giving - and then actually gives!
I heard this podcast the other day. Tony Campolo said, "It's great to give to the church. It's great to give to organizations. But real giving is when you give to someone you actually know, someone you can see." I'm not sure that's exactly how he said it, but his point was very interesting. Give to people that you interact with on a daily basis. I kind of like it!
What does that mean for the starving children in Africa? The mother's with AIDs in Haiti? I'm not sure! But, what if we tried it out for a while? What if, instead of thinking of giving only as an international thing, we thought of it as a Lombard thing?
Can you see it? Random people buying people dinner. A stranger pays for someone's groceries. A gift certificate shows up in someone's mailbox. How cool would that be? It might be worth a try.....but let's keep on giving to the really needy too (just in case I'm wacko!)